03 Jul, 2024

The Effect of Smartphone Addiction on Kid’s Mental Well-being

In today’s world, almost everyone uses smartphones for lots of things like chatting with friends and getting information quickly. But, we need to think about how using smartphones, especially for young people, might affect how they feel. This article talks about using smartphones and shares some good habits that can help everyone stay balanced and […]

3 mins read

Dwelling into Healthy Eating Habits for Kids in 2024 with AVN Vida International School

This article is about how people are realizing it’s important for kids to eat healthy. It talks about some smart ways to help kids eat well in 2024, showing new and cool ideas that are happening. The focus is on making eating healthy fun, not just for students but also for families. The article shares […]

4 mins read

Exploring Different Learning Approaches for Children

Learning is a continuous journey and is something that goes on all through our lives. That being said, it is important to recognize that everyone learns differently. Each person’s learning style and pace can vary greatly. This diversity in learning preferences is why pedagogical approaches are so vital in the field of education. The teachers […]

5 mins read

The Top 10 Skills Children Should Learn in 2023

Given the ever-shifting world-scape in today’s time, our children are voyaging through a time that bears little resemblance to the world their parents or even older siblings once knew. The journey is dominated by the rise of new technologies, the continuous evolution of our social media, and the turbulent economic situation. But one thing remained […]

8 mins read